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Anti-Drugged Driving Law

New Hampshire has extremely strict driving laws and nothing makes law enforcement and prosecutors angrier than encountering drivers who should not be behind the wheel.

This includes people who are not only under the influence of alcohol, but those who are affected by the medication they are taking, or illegal drugs.

If you have been stopped by a police officer who has accused you of driving while under the influence of drugs, you should immediately contact DWI/DUI lawyer Michael Anzalone. He and his associates in Nashua, New Hampshire, know the rules of the road and they can help you get back on track as quickly as possible.

The state’s statutes clearly lay out the laws pertaining to drugged driving. You should familiarize yourself with the law and polices pertaining to impaired driving. Click here to learn more.

What Does Drugged Driving Mean?

Under the law, drugged driving means that you are considered to be driving under the influence of drugs if you have taken any illegal drug, such as cocaine, or a prescription drug or even an over-the-counter medication.

When people hear DWI arrest, they typically think of alcohol intoxication. But people who drive under the influence of drugs also fall under this statute.

Put simply: Don’t drink or take drugs and get behind the wheel.

What Happens Next?

If a police officer has stopped you, he or she probably spotted you driving erratically on one of New Hampshire’s roadways. You may have been swerving, or driving way too fast or slow, or you may have even been spotted slumped behind the wheel at a red light.

Whatever the reason, you can expect a heap of trouble. Prosecutors take a hard-line on drunk or impaired drivers. You’ll likely be asked to submit to drug testing, which could be in the form of a urine or blood test, so the state can determine the level of your intoxication.

Do you have to submit? Under the state’s implied consent law, yes. When you were given a driver’s license, you gave your implied consent that you wouldn’t drive while under the influence.

If you are arrested you may spend the night in jail. And if you are convicted, you face the possibility of jail time. You could also lose your driving privileges from between 90 days to two years. It depends on the judge and the circumstances of your case Again, this is why you want experienced DWI attorney Michael Anzalone on your side when you face the prosecutor and the judge. He will be your strongest advocate.

What is the Cost?

The cost of a DWI/DUI can be very high. Remember you’ll not only be responsible for your attorney fees, there will be fines and fees for any program the judge orders for you. If it’s rehabilitation, you’ll also have to spend valuable time away from your family or friends while you complete the program.

You’ll also have to pay to get your driver’s license reinstated and you can expect your insurance premium to spike as well.

Check out Michael Anzalone’s webpage for more information and to fill out an online help form.

Client Reviews
Great lawyer...Professional, organized, caring and effective. Michael is very informative and was always willing to explain the reasons behind what was being done. Can't say enough about how helpful he was every step of the way. It was really nice to feel like I actually understood what was going on with my case. Catherine Veilleux