Car Accidents Caused by Minor Drivers
A car crash with a minor driver is mind-boggling. No driver is prepared to be involved in an accident with an underage driver. You not only have to deal with the disappointment of being hit, but the possibility of pursuing damages with a lawsuit seems farfetched. However, the age of a driver as at the time of the accident does not matter, since all drivers are held by the same legal requirements.
In the United States alone, car crashes caused by minor drivers are one of the major causes of death for teens. On the average, six teenagers die from car accidents everyday, according to a report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
What are the causes of car accidents caused by minor-drivers?According to another report, 32.8% of students in high school (nationwide) engage in texting or chatting while driving. The report also showed that 12% of teenagers, who are distracted drivers between the ages of 15 to 19, are involved in fatal motor vehicle accidents.
Another common distraction that can cause a teen accident is checking social media notifications and taking selfies while driving. Playing loud music and changing music can play a major role in teenage car accidents, but the risks aren't as great as texting or talking on the phone while driving. Drinking and driving will always play a major role in increased deaths among teenage drivers. According to experts, one out four minor driver car accidents involves teens who were drinking and driving.
The risk of accidents or a fatal crash among minor drivers doubles when they are left to ride with other passengers within their age group. In order to express their sense of freedom, some underage drivers intentionally ignore the precautionary driving rules. For example, driving beyond the speed limit, ignoring traffic laws and not wearing a seatbelt. Unfortunately, these are common reasons of car accidents caused by minor-drivers.
What should you do if you are involved in an accident with an under age driver?In New Hampshire, all motorists (regardless of age) are required to submit a Motor Vehicle Accident Report at the Division of Motor Vehicles. This report must be filed within 15 days of an accident if the motor vehicle accident involved damaged property more than $1,000 and/or if someone was killed or injured or killed.
When you are involved in an accident with a minor driver, considering the accident is fatal, the first thing to do is to seek medical attention. After you have recover from the injury, then the next step is to hire a good attorney, in Nashua, who is going assist you in filing your accident claim before you sign the dotted lines with your insurance company. Without a good lawyer, insurance companies are less likely to compensate you with the amount of money you deserve to cover injuries.
What to do next?If you or a loved one were involved in a car accident involving a minor, contact us or lcall the law offices of Anzalone Law Firm, PLLC at: 603.548.3797.