These days it seems that lying is the way to go when you get into trouble. But perjury is and remains against the law in New Hampshire and across the United States.
It simply is wrong to lie.
If you have been accused of perjury, you will need a trusted criminal defense lawyer such as Michael Anzalone to help you get out of what could be a heap of trouble.
Perjury is the practice of making false statements under oath. That means lying in court. Or lying to prosecutors. Or lying to federal agents or other law enforcement agents.
It is a felony to commit perjury and it is highly illegal.
If you are arrested on a perjury charge, you should make your first phone call to criminal defense attorney Michael Anzalone. He and his colleagues at The Anzalone Law Firm in Nashua, New Hampshire, are here to help you.
You will want a criminal defense attorney who is well-versed in the state’s laws and the judicial system. And Michael Anzalone is just that.
What is Perjury?This is an act of willfully lying in court or in an official capacity. A perjury charge, therefore, can stem from that person making a false claim while under oath. This can happen in a court case when someone is sworn in to provide testimony but who actually makes false statements.
Anyone can lie. It happens. There is a case from 2011 when a police officer was found guilty of perjury for committing perjury while testifying in front of a grand jury. He lost his job.
The state’s criminal code, RSA 641:1, outlines the penalties for perjury. A person can be found guilty of a Class B felony, for example, if he or she makes a false statement while under oath.
If you have been arrested on a perjury charge it is vital for you to speak with a lawyer before you talk to law enforcement officers or detectives about your case. That’s because anything you say can harm your case. You’ve likely already harmed yourself by lying while being under oath. You do not want to inflict any more damage.
You can be assured that when you hire Michael Anazalone, your best interests will always be a top priority.
Perjury can happen any time you are under oath, so you will want to make sure that you always make truthful comments when you appear in court. It is to your advantage to be upfront and provide truthful answers. This might be difficult if this is a family matter and you may wind up saying things that can be proven not to be true. Just always be careful when making statements.
Any arrest can wreck your life. But lying in court can make some people look at your differently. If he or she lies in court, they may lie to me too. That thought process could follow you long after you are sentenced.
This is an embarrassing charge that doesn’t have to happen if you are always truthful.
You will need the assistance of The Anzalone Law Firm to get you out of the web of lies that you told while under oath.
Please call us at 603.548.3797 to request a free consultation with Michael Anzalone.