Picture of Michael Anzalone

Circumcision Error Malpractices

Performed with the purpose of removing the foreskin, circumcisions are normally administered for religious and medical purposes. Approximately one in every three males in the United States at some point is circumcised throughout his lifetime.

Circumcisions have the likelihood of reducing an infection later in life, in addition to being a ritual for religious purposes, as the foreskin removal can help prevent any accumulation in the urinary tract of yeast, bacteria, and fungal agents.

However, when incorrectly administered, circumcisions can cause impaired penile function, deformities, and emotional trauma sustained throughout the remainder of the life of the victim.

Sustained Injuries as a Result of Circumcision Error

A number of circumcisions are administered by religious cantors, or a mohel, when administered within a religious ritual, such as a bris.

The circumcision, in other instances, can be administered by a medical physician subsequently in life, if it is necessarily determined to reduce health concerns, or for chronic infection treatment.

It is likely to cause catastrophic damage, regardless of any reasons for circumcision, when the individual administering the procedure makes an error.

The injuries which are sustained during the procedure can include the following, such as:

  • Urinary tract, penis, or the area of circumcision infection, which can result in additional health complications;
  • Inflammation, pain, and discomfort of the genitalia and penis causing infections;
  • a condition known as meatal stenosis, which the opening of the urethral is narrowed, to cause pain in sexual function and urination;

Loss of blood and excess in bleeding in urinary tract, or on the spot of operation; the formation of external scars or permanent disfigurement, which could be, later in life, a source of embarrassment; an inability to perform sexually or achieve an erection, or impotence;

Removal of foreskin that is insufficient to result in a necessary additional procedure, or too much removal of foreskin to result in damage or deformity of the penis; concealment or retraction of the penis, which can have an effect on performance, and result in emotional trauma; and the death of penile tissue, or necrosis of the penis, which may result in catastrophic cases in the loss altogether of the penis.

Usually, it can be a challenge to prove in cases there is no difference involving circumcision error or medical negligence cases.

It is crucial, for this reason, to keep organized circumcision records, even if you may not believe the records are valuable for a likely lawsuit.

These records can go a long way to help you receive financial compensation, regain your self-respect, and although you cannot bring back a loved one who is deceased, at least recovering damages can offer some kind of reassurance.

An experienced medical negligence attorney can handle cases of circumcision error; he or she will have the ability to review all records you have maintained, and can help make a determination of negligence, if there is proof that the sustained injuries of your child were the result of malpractice or human error.

Contact us for a free consultation or call Anzalone Law Firm PLLC, at: 603.548.3797

Client Reviews
Great lawyer...Professional, organized, caring and effective. Michael is very informative and was always willing to explain the reasons behind what was being done. Can't say enough about how helpful he was every step of the way. It was really nice to feel like I actually understood what was going on with my case. Catherine Veilleux