Picture of Michael Anzalone

Gangrene Infected Pressure Sores

A complication which may develop because of death of tissue around and in the pressure sore is gangrene.

Critical pressure sores may be due to the decrease of blood flow around and in the wound.

The decreased flow of blood boosts the likelihood of growth of bacteria. Bacteria produces toxins which our bodies are not able to extract.

When a patient in a nursing home has gangrene infected pressure sores, indeed, there is a cause for concern from a health and legal outlook.

Personal injury medical malpractice attorneys represent individuals who have in skilled nursing homes been neglected, and have suffered from complications, like gangrene infected bed sores.

Your family member may have developed gangrene in a nursing facility; you can immediately contact a personal injury attorney for a case review to deem if your claim is appropriate for civil damages.

Pressure sore location is dependent upon the position of the bed-bound patient.

For men and women bound to their beds, pressure sores have the likelihood to form around or on the hip-bone, tailbone, lower back or heels.

These pressure ulcers also develop in a myriad of other areas, such as head, ankles, spine, shoulders and knees, dependent upon the patient’s position.

The neglect of a nursing home to implement and develop a care plan to address the risk of a patient for breakdown of fee skin too often causes pressure ulcers or bed sores developing, which could have been preventable otherwise.

Deterioration of tissue arises once the toxins accumulate.

Ultimately, during the deterioration of tissue, gangrene infected pressure sores may occur, with symptoms of foul odors and green or black discoloration of skin.

These wounds infected can demoralize an individual and family members as they become a painful and visible reminder of an unattended wound.

Medical Facilities Held Liable for Pressure Sore Complications

Personal injury attorneys are aware of the embarrassment to an individual and family members when gangrene becomes an issue.

You don’t want to make the mistake of making an assumption that officials with an insurance company or medical facility will sympathize.

If a loved one has sustained gangrene infected pressure sores, you can discuss the care of your family member with attorneys with experience to prosecute lawsuits for pressure sores involving healthcare centers, nursing homes, and other kinds of medical facilities.

The medical facility may insist that it provided proper care in certain circumstances. You may want to get another opinion from an external source who can, in an objective fashion, review the care, as opposed to attempting to conceal care that is inadequate.

Many experienced and prominent attorneys have ample experience when handling a lawsuit for sustained injuries. 

These diligent and tireless advocates can assist you to achieve the best of their legal knowledge and expertise.

In handling personal injury claims, individuals work closely, with experienced healthcare experts and physicians who can make prudent assessments of the medical aspects to support pursuing compensation because of medical malpractice.

Contact us for a free consultation or call Anzalone Law Firm PLLC, at: 603.548.3797.

Client Reviews
Great lawyer...Professional, organized, caring and effective. Michael is very informative and was always willing to explain the reasons behind what was being done. Can't say enough about how helpful he was every step of the way. It was really nice to feel like I actually understood what was going on with my case. Catherine Veilleux